The Military Wire with Mike Schindler features interviews with some of America's Most Elite Men and Women who have served this country. Their raw stories of overcoming, finding mission and purpose, and the impact they are having in their communities will provide insightful tips and fast-track your ability to change your life and your own community.
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Viewing life through a sniper's scope was a daily practice for Special Forces, Green Beret Rod Rodriguez. Getting blown up was just a part of life. And when it came time to transition - not by choice - but through a med board, suddenly his daily practice was truly foreign - and more traumatic than his military experience.
When life changes unexpectedly, how will you respond?
In this episode, President and Chief Executive Officer at Global War on Terror Memorial Foundation Rod Rodriguez chronicles his military experience, how his wife's transition was polar opposite of his, and his journey to becoming one of America's Greatest Assets after his military experience.
Rod will tell you that he is just a normal kid from New Mexico. And this normal kid from New Mexico, after serving our country with honors, is on a new mission to bring tribute to those who have served and continue to serve in America's longest conflict.
The Global War on Terror (GWOT) Memorial Foundation, the congressionally-designated non-profit foundation is tasked with organizing, fundraising and coordinating efforts to build a new memorial on the National Mall in Washington, D.C..
Former President George W. Bush was named as its honorary chairman.
What you'll learn from this podcast is that success takes work. And Rod's humble approach to achieving success is one that many can duplicate. Rod chose to give back as his next mission and purpose.
What will be your next mission and purpose after military service?
"Continuing my service to others first through established leadership in the military and civilian communities through teamwork as well as collaboration." - Michael "Rod" Rodriguez
Saturday Sep 29, 2018
When Death Hits You in the Face - An Operator's Journey to a new Mission and Purpose
Saturday Sep 29, 2018
Saturday Sep 29, 2018
Our circumstances can sometimes be overwhelming. When Andrew lost his wife, he had a choice to make. What will you do when death hits you in the face?
Andrew E. Coussens spent nearly eight years deployed as a contractor for a classified US government program that is still active in numerous areas of the world in support of the War on Terror.
He spent three years simultaneously training partner nations in counter-terrorism tactics for the US State Department’s Global Anti-Terrorism Assistance program.
Since leaving these programs, Mr. Coussens has been employed as a consultant for The Activity Group, a company that provides field-trauma solutions for the US military (AFRICOM), Federal law enforcement agencies, SWAT/Emergency teams, and tactical medical programs worldwide.
His first novel is sure to be a best seller. A Failed State is an international war on terror novel that is fast-paced, and very real.
Damien Collins, who struggles with severe anxiety, a troubled marriage, and a custody dispute over his five-year-old daughter, is a member of this elite intelligence-gathering team trying to stop the spread of ISIS and its emergence in the hotbed of Afghanistan. Damien’s team has confidants within ISIS-Khorasan that could turn the tide of the struggle. While Damien’s team rushes to solidify their victories, he has to juggle his own chaos at home.
Check out A Failed State
Wednesday Sep 26, 2018
How A Plane Crash and the USO Changed CDR Don Leingang's Life / World's Busiest USO
Wednesday Sep 26, 2018
Wednesday Sep 26, 2018
Your transition doesn't have to be difficult. This live, in-person interview with retired CDR Don Leingang, now Executive Director of the world's busiest USO, describes how his plane crash was his first introduction to the USO...and how the USO can support your transition.
Check out the USO PNW: https://northwest.uso.org/sea-tac
Monday Sep 17, 2018
Monday Sep 17, 2018
"...85 percent casualty rate. Lucky to make it back…"
Mike Schindler, host of The Military Wire, interviews one of America's most elite combat Veterans Sean Parnell, former Commander of a 40 Man Elite infantry platoon called The Outlaws, which became one of the most feared American units in the Afghanistan war.
We cover his best selling book, Outlaw Platoon, his latest book Man of War, how he found a new mission and purpose after service and what those who want to support those who have served can do to help.
There's even a bit of advice for those who are transitioning on how YOU CAN FIND MISSION AND PURPOSE.
To read more about this great book, visit: Veterans News Report / Sean Parnell
To purchase Sean's book, visit: Parnell's Man of War